1. Gatunek główny
  2. Wielka Brytania
  3. Capital FM
Słuchaj Capital FM
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Capital FM

Radio Capital FM is a popular radio station with a large audience and a wide range of music. Its program features the latest hits, interesting interviews with musicians, and entertainment news. Thanks to its energetic host and professional sound engineer, Capital FM becomes a favorite choice for listeners worldwide. Here you can enjoy music of any genre and feel the drive and positive vibes of the broadcast.

Częstotliwości i miasta nadawania Capital FM

Miasto Częstotliwość
Caernarfon103.0 MHz FM
High Hunsley105.8 MHz FM
Burnley99.8 MHz FM
Birmingham102.2 MHz FM
Brighton107.2 MHz FM
Glasgow105.7-106.1 MHz FM
Derby102.8 MHz FM
Cardiff103.2 MHz FM
Leicester105.4 MHz FM
Liverpool107.6 MHz FM
Leeds105.1-105.8 MHz FM
London95.8 MHz FM
Manchester102.0 MHz FM
Nottingham96.2-96.5 MHz FM
Newcastle upon Tyne106.4 MHz FM
Newcastle upon Tyne105.3-106.4 MHz FM
Newport97.4 MHz FM
Wrexham103.4 MHz FM
Wrexham97.1 MHz FM
Wrexham96.3-103.4 MHz FM
Southampton103.2 MHz FM
Edinburgh105.7 MHz FM

Informacje kontaktowe stacji radiowej

Wielka Brytania, London, WC2H 7LA, 30 Leicester Square

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